- HEALTHY MADE TASTY Kid apprvoved taste. 97% of Kids tested in Chennai and Bangalore "Liked it a Lot" in Radominsed sample research study
- CRUCHIES STAYS CRUNCHY even in hot milk. Kids will now never say no to Milk, the tastiest crunchiest milk
- BE STRESS FREE with 12 hour nutrition in every serving (60g), your kid gets more nutrition than required in one school day
- MILLETS, OATS & SUPER GRAINS Oats, Wheat, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Kodo Millet, Barnyard Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Maize
- CRUNCHIES IS LOADED 16 % Real Belgian Chocolate & 15% Nuts (Almonds, Peanuts & Walnuts)
- NATURAL INGREDIENTS No Maida, No added color, No aritifical additives.