- Papads are typically served as an accompaniment to a meal in India.
- Papad is good appetizer and digestive.
- Roasted or grilled Papad helps to absorb the fatty material from mouth and throat when consumed at the end of the meal.
- Fried Papad: Place in hot oil and fry til crisp and done. Drain on absorbent paper to discard off excess oil.
- Roasted Papad: Place on a salamander and roast on both sides till they get tiny brown spots. Alternatively, you can roast Papads on open flame Ensure you use tongs while doing so for
- Masala Papad: Fried Papad and Roasted Papad can be served plain or topped with a mixture of onions, tomatoes, chaat masala and coriander to be served as Masala Papad.