- Who doesn't like Pasta? But taste need not compromise on health therefore, MilletAmma has come with Little Millet Pasta. Jowar(Sorghum)is globally known as the “new quinoa” for its gluten-free and whole-grain goodness.
- MilletAmma's Millet Batter Jowar is a tasty and nutritious food option for you. Jowar has a much higher concentration of dietary fiber when compared to other cereal grains.
- This high fiber content ensures higher satiety levels, lowering consumption by keeping hunger pangs at bay. Thus, it promotes a feeling of fullness and helps maintain a balanced diet.
- Store your favourite Millet Pasta in a cool and dry place. Once opened store in an airtight container. It has a shelf life of 6 months.
- Enjoy this yummy and delicious jowar millet pasta, made with the love from the heart of a home-maker.