- Get your daily protein intake with Protein Seed Mix by neuherbs- a nutritious and delicious high-protein superfood that supports your fitness goals naturally.
- Protein seeds mix contain a good amount of pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, and sunflower seeds.
- These organically grown seeds are a great plant-based source of protein and dietary fibers.
- They are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that our mind & body needs on a daily basis.
- neuherbs all-natural protein mix not only provides your body with all the nutrients but also serves as a low-calorie snack that satisfies your food cravings, keeping you satiated for longer.
- You can use neuherbs protein seeds mix in a variety of dishes, such as kheer, laddoo, shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, and panjiri. neuherbs
- Protein Seeds Mix may not burn fat or build muscles, however, this plant-based protein mix, contains ingredients that possess nutrients and dietary fiber that can support your fitness goals when you do the right exercises and eat a balanced diet.