- Voscure Honey is a raw, unfiltered, unprocessed and unpasteurized honey, 100% pure, Lab tested, organic certified and natural honey. In accordance with Ayurveda, this honey is a natural immunity booster.
- This raw honey is 100% pure, unpasteurized, unprocessed, and unheated. A great source of vitamins like A, C, D, E, K, and B complex, as well as amino acids, minerals, and lots of live enzymes.
- Tulsi honey helps increase immunity. It is called nature’s natural antibiotic as it is known to possess antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties. Tulsi honey is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. It may act as a natural cough suppressant. It may improve skin health, reduce acidity, and soothe indigestion.
- this honey is unpasteurized, so the natural properties of vitamins, minerals, and all the medicinal values are retained. It is not artificially heated to reduce the moisture; instead, it is sundried to reduce the moisture in a natural way.